A EMPRESA QUALIDADE EM GRANDE FORMATOA Clipouro dedica-se à transformação de suportes para impressão nomeadamente papéis revestidos / não revestidos, fotográficos, vinil, canvas e outros. Ao longo dos anos temos vindo a consolidar o posicionamento no mercado da indústria de transformação de rolos para grande formato, mantendo a solidez financeira e aumentando a notoriedade.. Ver mais
Estamos empenhados na criação de um futuro melhor, ao apoiar projectos e iniciativas de cariz social e ambiental.O NOSSO CONTRIBUTO |
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Números falam por nós
“Nuestra experiencia comercial con la empresa Clipouro ha sido excelente, hemos tenido mucho éxito en nuestro país con sus productos y seguimos creciendo cada día más. Como empresa son muy profesionales en sus envíos y atención, han sido un socio estratégico clave para nosotros.”
Hector Padilla — Director Administrativo
“The overall experience with Clipouro has been impressive. Their collaborative approach and real time flexibility has contributed to the success of our project goals. The several years of experience in the large format media market bring value to any business. I recommend Clipouro without any reservation.”
Eduard Vintila — Sales Director
“Clipouro has been a great partner for our business. Over the years that we have partnered together, we have never had anything but a positive experience over many successful transactions and have developed a strong trusting relationship. We highly recommend working with Clipouro due to their professional approach, speed, customer focussed attitude.”
Mitch Boocock — Channel Partner Manager
“As per my experience, CLIPOURO LDA, is an excellent business partner. Their professionalism, experience and co-operation has helped me grow as a company. Their response time for requirement of any product, information or services is immediate, I would like to thank them and wish them all the best for further success and prosperity.”
Abedin Khan — Proprietor
“In the relationship that EUROSUPPLIES IKE has with Clipouro, there has always been cooperation, availability, initiative and professionalism. Congratulations to the team for being so dynamic and proactive with customer focus.”
Anastasia Panteloglou — Development Manager
“Charles Kieffer Group has been working with Clipouro for many years. The quality of their media is an extension of the quality of the large format plotters and printers we sell in Luxembourg. We pay special attention to the quality of services and products we offer to our customers and found in Clipouro a partner who shares our values.”
Olivier Dauvister — Marketing Manager